Famous Photographers in history

February 11, 2019 By TheNewYorkNews

Famous Photographers in history

Famous photographers in history

Looking for the most Famous photographers in history, we must certainly watch the best photographers of the 19th-Century, those who made the history of photography as we now know it.

Fine art photography of today owes an enormous debt of gratitude to the cameramen, scientists, inventors, and other modern artists of the nineteenth century, who pioneered the processes from which modern photography has evolved. These individuals made a huge contribution to fine art – not least because of the impact of photography on plein-air Impressionism – as well as to the history of photography. In addition, their inventions have led to the emergence of new branches of science which have given us new types of art including animation and video.

See below for a selected list of some of the best known nineteenth century photographers and photographic firms, whose names are household words to collectors and dealers. (Note: for a brief explanation of the most popular terms used, see: Art Photography Glossary.)

Fine art photography of today owes an enormous debt of gratitude to the cameramen, scientists, inventors, and other modern artists of the nineteenth century, who pioneered the processes from which modern photography has evolved. These individuals made a huge contribution to fine art – not least because of the impact of photography on plein-air Impressionism – as well as to the history of photography. In addition, their inventions have led to the emergence of new branches of science which have given us new types of art including animation and video.See below for a selected list of some of the best known nineteenth century photographers and photographic firms, whose names are household words to collectors and dealers. (Note: for a brief explanation of the most popular terms used, see: Art Photography Glossary.)

Source: Photographers of the 19th-Century

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