wide female Visual Arts collective born after #MeToo trend

August 4, 2018 By Jaime Marie Charlotte

wide female Visual Arts collective born after #MeToo trend

Female gender issues in Visual Arts collective are not just about individual efforts.

A wide variety of female Visual Arts collective have born following the #MeToo trend.

The female Visual Arts female collective can represent a good way to research issues about gender, sex and sexuality, style and beauty expectations, for a healthier living.

For example, The RamonaMag collective is one of the many recently efforts in this female Visual Arts collective direction.
The last year also saw the launch of Women Who Draw, an online community of female illustrators, artists and cartoonists, with the aim of increasing their visibility and give them a stronger voice worldwide.

Ramona Magazine “for Girls” it is a one of a kind, collaborative, and creative community in the form of an online magazine with a lot of female Visual Arts collective.

It has more from over 70 worldwide contributors, including: Susane Colasanti, Jaclyn Morairty, Charm of Finches, Ambivalently Yours, Montana Kitching, Rosie Brock, Katie Buddle, Annika White, Julianna Swaney, & Melissa Chaib and so on.

The Instagram payoff seems quite clear:

Ramona is an empowering, inspiring, global community of feminist creatives, in the form of an online mag. ✨ #heyramona

As per every collective, it is always looking for submissions.

Female artists can contribute through thought columns, essays, creative writing, Pop Art, visual work, reviews, or otherwise that they’d like to share with the female Community, simply sending their submission or pitch to the website.

It describe itself:

It is a place that allows us to acknowledge each other for who we are: beautiful, strong, quirky, clever, unique, and everything in between. Ramona consists of creative work by girls from all over the world, and we aim to give you a magazine filled with great stories, art, advice, and information in the hopes of leaving you feeling empowered, accepted, and worthy. We’re so glad you’re here!

They also have a shop area where surfers can buy books and digital products, such as original, new, & exclusive content on feminism, body hair, first loves, friendship, growing up.

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For more VISUAL ARTS News, go to our category.

Pictures by:  Ramona Magazine for Girls; ramonaforgirls  – Melbourne, Victoria, Australia #vulva (@charlotteabramow) – @tarapre.


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