Trump Says No Need for National Lockdown Yet for coronavirus

March 20, 2020 By TheNewYorkNews

Trump Says No Need for National Lockdown Yet for coronavirus

The respiratory infection, named COVID-19 by the World Health Organization (WHO), is closely related to SARS and MERS. The majority of cases are no longer in China, and the disease has been diagnosed in more than 100 other countries, including the United States. We’ll provide the latest updates on cases, deaths, travel restrictions, and more here.

What is the latest news?

Trump Says No Need for National Lockdown Yet

President Donald Trump says he doesn’t see a need yet for a national “lockdown” to curb the spread of the new coronavirus. But the president says he’s supportive of orders by governors in New York and California to order their citizens to stay at home as much as possible.

In a news conference on Friday, the president also said he’s directed companies to make masks and ventilators to help keep hospitals supplied, but he gave no details. He says some companies have volunteered to use their manufacturing plants to make them.

At the same briefing, Secretary of State Mike Pompeo described new border restrictions with Mexico and Canada. Starting at midnight tonight, “non-essential” border crossings will end. But products, including food and medicine, will still be brought into the U.S.

Pompeo also says the State Department is working to help bring home Americans who may be stuck overseas during the coronavirus outbreak.

Alex Azar, secretary of Health and Human Services, says there’s been tremendous progress on testing for COVID-19, the disease caused by the new coronavirus. He says tens of thousands of tests are being done every day.

But Anthony Fauci, MD, the director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, says while testing is improving, the reality is that some people can’t get tests even though they have symptoms. He says he understands and sympathizes with people who would like to get the test and can’t. “We’re not there yet,” he says.

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Fauci also was cautious about the possible use of anti-malaria drugs like hydroxychloroquine to treat COVID-19. The president said he felt positive about their usefulness, but Fauci says testing is needed.

“We need to get data to see if it works and it’s safe for people with COVID-19,” he says. He says serious harmful effects from the drugs are rare when taken for malaria, but we can’t be sure how people will react when they’re used for another disease, like COVID-19.

States Tighten Restrictions as Coronavirus Rages

California was first, but now the entire state of Illinois will be on a “shelter-in-place” order beginning Monday.

Gov. J.B. Pritzker’s order, expected to be finalized Friday afternoon, will require all Illinois residents to remain at home except to go the grocery story, get case, take walks and go to the drug store. There are at least 400 cases of coronavirus and four deaths in Illinois.

Pritzker’s actions follow those of California Gov. Gavin Newsom, who issued a statewide stay at home order Thursday, effective at midnight March 19, that will remain in place until further notice. Essential services such as groceries, banks, laundromats, car repair and restaurant take-out will be open. Essential state and local government functions will continue. Residents are asked to stay home except to get food, care for a relative or friend, get necessary health care or get to an essential job.

In New York, Gov. Andrew Cuomo came close to a similar order, but instead ordered all non-essential businesses to keep all workers at home. Exceptions are grocery stores and restaurants (which may only offer take out or delivery), health care workers, drug stores, gas stations, convenience stores, banks, veterinarians, transportation providers,hardware stores, warehouses and distributors, delivery services, plumbers and other skilled laborers, , laundromats and cleaners, child-care providers, auto repair businesses, utility companies, construction companies and some manufacturers.

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Los Angeles County and Los Angeles city officials issued a Safer at Home order with similar restrictions, also on Thursday. Whenever feasible, residents should isolate at home, with exceptions, including work for essential products and services.  Residents can shop for food and medicine and get needed medical and veterinary care and engage in outdoor activities such as walking and hiking, if they practice social distancing, keeping a 6-foot distance.

Newsom projected that up to 56% of California’s residents, or about 25.5 million people, could be infected with COVID-19 in the next 8 weeks if strong measures are not taken.

As of March 20, California had more than 1,000 confirmed COVID-19 cases and 19 deaths.  As of March 19, L.A. County reported 231 cases and 2 deaths, the latest in an individual in  the 30’s.

The L.A. County health order is in effect through April 19; failure to comply is punishable by fine, imprisonment or both.

State Department Warns Against All International Travel

The State Department has urged all U.S. citizens to avoid any international travel due to the global impact of the new coronavirus.

If you are currently overseas, the department wants you to come home, “unless [you] are prepared to remain abroad for an indefinite period,” according to a statement.

“Many countries are experiencing COVID-19 outbreaks and implementing travel restrictions and mandatory quarantines, closing borders and prohibiting non-citizens from entry with little advance notice,” the agency says.

In addition, the State Department says it will not issue any new passports except for people with a “qualified life-or-death emergency and who need a passport for immediate international travel within 72 hours.”

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ries are experiencing COVID-19 outbreaks and implementing travel restrictions and mandatory quarantines, closing borders and prohibiting non-citizens from entry with little advance notice,” the agency says.

In addition, the State Department says it will not issue any new passports except for people with a “qualified life-or-death emergency and who need a passport for immediate international travel within 72 hours.”

3D illustration of Coronavirus, virus which causes SARS and MERS, Middle East Respiratory Syndrome

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