How to have confidence, power, influence | Interview with Ross Jeffries

February 22, 2019 By TheNewYorkNews

How to have confidence, power, influence | Interview with Ross Jeffries

Ross Jeffries interview has lots to say about confidence!

Do you want to have confidence, power and influence ?

Let’s watch this interview with Ross Jeffries on How Speed Seduction Works.

Self-confidence and seduction guru Ross Jeffries, branded “the king of seduction”, teaches men about speed seduction.

Ross develops Speed Seduction, the use of NLP Hypnosis to seduce, since the late 80’s. All the market’s experts considers him by far “The father” of the modern day pick-up theories.

In this classic interview,  he answers some interesting questions, and as expected, he does that with both HONEST, candid and direct attitude.

At The New York News we are pleased to redirect you to this old video, full of interesting points.

Having started his studies on these arguments long ago, Ross Jeffries – continually adds interensting reflections in this topic of Speed Seduction since 1988, going on teaching it to Present time.

He actually has plenty of things to say about it.

Let’s sit down comfortably and watch this video, let’s hear what he has to say!

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David Laroche is interviewing Ross Jeffries, the king of seduction. Successful in terms of business as he came along at the right place at the right time, he says. Seduction is the fact of relying on men’s ability to communicate with women. Then, someone who is able to communicate with women cans ask interesting questions that awake curiosity. This technic can be used in plenty field and sometimes in selling product, but depends on what you sell says Ross. A tip that can help people to overcome fear is to change the meaning of it because fear is not a thing but a neurological activity.

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