The UAE wanted for themselves the Taliban embassy they are accusing Qatar for.

September 18, 2018 By The Editor

The UAE wanted for themselves the Taliban embassy they are accusing Qatar for.

Leaked emails show the Emiratis wanted to host in Abu Dhabi the unofficial Taliban embassy situated in Doha.

The UAE, Qatar emails leak shows that UAE wanted for themselves the Taliban embassy, and that it “will eventually come back to bite” Qatar.

Despite of it they are now accusing Qatar for having it in Doha.

In one email dated from 12 September 2011, Mohamed Mahmoud al-Khaja, an Emirati diplomat, told Jeffrey Feltman, then Assistant Secretary of State for Near East Affairs, that the UAE believed it would host the embassy. “There is an article in the London Times that mentions US is backing setting up a Taliban embassy in Doha,” he wrote.

Despite criticising Qatar for hosting the Taliban in Doha, the Emiratis themselves wanted to house the group’s embassy, leaked emails show. But leaked emails exchanged between US officials and Emirati diplomats and obtained by the New York Times show that the UAE competed with its neighbour to host the embassy.

Using “HH” to refer to his boss, His Highness Abdullah bin Zayed, the foreign minister continued: “HH says that we were under the impression that Abu Dhabi was your first choice and this is what we were informed” by the United Nations envoy to Afghanistan.

The UAE wanted for themselves the Taliban embassy they are accusing Qatar for.

In a second email of 28 January 2012, from Otaiba to a US official, and using “ABZ” to refer to the Foreign Minister, Abdullah bin Zayed, the ambassador wrote that he had “got an angry call from ABZ saying how come we weren’t told?” – ‘HH says that we were under the impression that Abu Dhabi was your first choice and this is what we were informed’ by the United Nations envoy to Afghanistan. – “They want to be in the middle of everything those guys,” he continued, referring to the Qataris.

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In a comment foreshadowing the UAE’s later attacks on Qatar for hosting the Taliban embassy, he wrote, “So let them, it will eventually come back to bite them in the…”

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Source: Al Jazeera

Pictures by: Pixabay


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