Submit your story! If you have an interesting story send it to

December 26, 2018 By The Editor

Submit your story! If you have an interesting story send it to

Submit your story!

Submit your story if you have an interesting article about New York, or world news, or an article that you feel useful to share with us, send us an email first: we will be happy to consider it for publication.

Before sending it to us, we kindly ask you to read the instructions below.

  • You must be aware that the publication of the articles on the New York News does not entitle you to any compensation and you must undertake not to request any compensation, either now or subsequently.
  • You must accept any changes to the text of the article, made by the Editorial Staff and you must undertake not to request the cancellation of the article, once published.
  • You must be the sole author of the article and you are the sole entitled to the personal right, exclusive ownership of the article.
  • You must also confirm not to have published and not to publish the article in other journals, unless expressly authorized by the Direction of the New York News.

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How can you submit your story and send articles?

If you have an interesting story about New York, or world news, or an article that you feel useful to share with us, send us an email first: we will be happy to consider it for publication.

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So, tell us: what do you think? Do you want to submit your story, too? Write it for the New York News!

Submit your articles!

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